Tech Brands Take Top Spots

Tech brands have taken the top spots on a list of most valuable brands. According to a study by Forbes, tech brands take four out of five of the top brand names.Just over half of the top ten brands were also in the tech industry. Apple’s brand worth doesn’t seem to be rotting any time soon – with a net worth of $104.3 billion this should be no surprise. 

Microsoft is struggling in second with a brand value of $56.7 billion. As claimed by Forbes, their struggle can be largely attributed to them struggling to transition from a PC to a mobile world. 

The rankings are as follows:

1. Apple

2. Microsoft

3. Coca-Cola

4. IBM

5. Google

6. McDonald’s

7. General Electric

8. Intel

9. Samsung

10. Louis Vuitton

Even though Samsung only ranks ninth, they show the greatest potential. Their one year value change is 53%. However this could also be attributed to poor performance in previous years. But with Samsung’s recent developments, it’s more likely they gain from Microsoft’s loss. That is, they are thriving in a mobile world.